Project Outcomes

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Hudecheck, M. (2023). The Ecology of Informal Entrepreneurship Among the Disadvantaged: A Field Theory Perspective. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2023,(1), 17074.

Conference Presentations

Zachlod, N. (2023). Informal Entrepreneurship and Poverty Alleviation. Shortlisted for Relevant and Responsible Research Award. European Academy of Management Conference Doctoral Colloquium 2023.
Zachlod, N., Hudecheck, M., & Sirén, C. (2022). An Introduction to Satellite-Based Remote Sensing Data in Strategic Management Research. Strategic Management Society 42nd Annual Conference.
Sirén, C., Hudecheck, M., Zachlod., N. (2022). Interactive Roundtable Session: Remote Sensing Data in Strategic Management Theory and Practice. Strategic Management Society Special Conference.
Zachlod, N. (2022). Discussion Paper: Informal Entrepreneurship. Rencontres de St-Gall Conference.
Hudecheck, M., Siren, C., Wincent, J. (2021). Looking at Entrepreneurship from the Sky: Satellite Data in Entrepreneurship Research. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference 2021.

Other Presentations

Zachlod, N. (2023). Unternehmer im Schatten: Wie Satelliten-Daten Indiens informelle Wirtschaft in Slums sichtbar machen. Presentation at the DocNet Science Slam at the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland. Awarded First Place. 
Zachlod, N. (2023). Satellite Data for Research. Presentation at the Digital Spark Seminar at ESCP Europe Berlin, Germany.
Zachlod, N. (2022). Looking at Entrepreneurs from the Sky: Using satellite data to support slums in India. Presentation at the 3MT@HSG Academic Research Communication Competition at the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland. Awarded First Place.